The Radical Wed Retreat 2018 Round Up
/When Catalyst friends and vendors get together to create a workshop, you know that I want to see the photos after! In this case, I was thrilled when images began hitting my inbox from the Radical Wed Retreat, a photo conference hosted by Justine Broughal and Jamie Carle that we at Catalyst had the privilege of sponsoring.
They created a gorgeous, two-part editorial shoot using real life couple Karla, one of the officiants from Once Upon a Vow, and her girlfriend Mary, on the Oregon coast.
The photos below are a mix of photographers (and a videographer!), and I’m so pleased to present it as whole for you today. Enjoy!
— Amber Marlow, Features Editor
Photos by Jamie Carle, Lauryn Kay, Courtney Mehmen, Kelcey Olson, and Ziggy Shoots
Video by Elizabeth Mealey
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Courtney Mehmen
Lauryn Kay
Jamie Carle
Jamie Carle
Ziggy Shoots
Jamie Carle
Courtney Mehmen
Lauryn Kay
Courtney Mehmen
Lauryn Kay
Jamie Carle
Courtney Mehmen
Lauryn Kay
Jamie Carle
Courtney Mehmen
Lauryn Kay
Lauryn Kay
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Jamie Carle
Courtney Mehmen
Jamie Carle
Jamie Carle
Jamie Carle
Kelcey Olson
Jamie Carle
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Jamie Carle
Jamie Carle
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Kelcey Olson
Jamie Carle
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Lauryn Kay
Ziggy Shoots
Kelcey Olson
Jamie Carle
Kelcey Olson
Lauryn Kay
Jamie Carle
Jamie Carle
Kelcey Olson
Ziggy Shoots
Jamie Carle
Lauryn Kay
Lauryn Kay
Ziggy Shoots
Ziggy Shoots
Kelcey Olson
Jamie Carle
Ziggy Shoots
Workshop | Radical Wed Retreat
Styling, Design, & Florals | Together Events
Sign | Ink Push Co.
Catering | Heart of Celebration
Linens | The Bayith
Rentals | Vintage Mingle
Dress: | Brides for a Cause
Bakery | Just a Dash Cakes
Videography | Elizabeth Mealey
Models | Karla from Once Upon a Vow & Mary Elizabeth Anne III
Coffee Sponsor | Civic Roasters